Lynda in the marshes of the Pantanal, Brazil.
Welcome! I hope that you enjoy the galleries of this website. Throughout my life as a research biologist, university professor and a photo-naturalist, my cameras have served as my most important scientific tools.
Through my lens, I have captured thousands of images from nature - including images of molecules, cells and organisms. Hundreds of these images have been published and have been seen by thousands of students in university classrooms.
Most of the photographs included in these galleries are those of birds as these are the primary subjects of much of my current work.
These galleries are constantly evolving and I recommend that you stop by frequently to see what is new.
I am also an award-winning wood-carver and have included many of these in my Carvings Gallery.
All are hand-carved and painted by me and every part of the sculpture is fabricated by me except for the glass-eyes which I purchase for use.
Please contact me using the Contact form if you are interested in purchasing any of these or have a commission request.